Our last home Skittles match at the Larkhall liberal club, not only did we win but Rich Shipp took on a vicious bet and lost. For the post game meal, the club gave use bread, butter, cheese, and a large tupperwear bowl of vinegar and onions. Si and I wagered 5 quid a piece and after Dave P. offered 10 Euro's Shippy decided to neck the bowl of vinegar. The stipulations of the bet were that it had to be all in one go and he couldn't chunder in under a half hour. Unfortunately he did neither. Although he didn't drink it all in one go, he was determined to finish the bowl. On the walk home I turned right, he turned left and I swear I heard the loud splat of liquid hitting the pavement. At our last match he denied that it happened but admitted it made it's exit at home. I can't imagine his breath!! I love the look on Barry's face in the background!
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