Movie Review: King Kong

Upon seeing the early trailers of King Kong I knew I had to see it in the theatre rather than at home on my 15" screen. My premonition could not have been more accurate. Although I saw numerous holes in the plot, this film completely redeemed itself on special effects. Upon learning of the plotline involving dinosaurs I was taken aback by the cheesieness. Said dino's made for easily the best visual's of the movie. Some parts of the plot that were tacky and cliche were; all the main characters of course live throughout he film, transporting the beast from the island to New York City was completely skipped, and getting King Kong into a Broadway theatre was also omitted. I did love the fact that they tried to stay true to the original, even giving a mention to the original female lead Fay Wray. I am making a huge claim on this film that it still stand by. King Kong has the best special effects of any movie lit up on the silver screen.
I give King Kong 3 Union Jacks out of 5
So are you saying "go see it?"
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