Back in the U.S.S.A.
Finally made it back after the worst travel experience of my life. The following is an account, the names have not changed to protect the innocent.

The legend that is Jo Ziegert (my English mum) gave me a lift to the Bristol Airport. I was the first person in line for my flight and I had a feeling everything was gonna work out alright. Upon reaching the counter with 26 kg of luggage over the limit the stone faced attendants at the Ryan Air counter assured me there was no way to get out of the £130 fee. I went back and forth to the counter and an independent courier to see who would be the cheapest. After going back and forth a few times I decided to go with the airline price. The mistake the counter girl made was to give me my boarding pass before I paid the other counter girl. Instead of paying I just boarded the plane without question. That flight was OK but I learned one valuable lesson. DON'T TAKE A NO FRILLS AIRLINE WHEN MOVING HOUSE!!!

Got to Dublin and made my way to my next gate nice and early. Unfortunatelyy the starter motor was busted so I had to wait 8 HOURS! Luckily I had my laptop and mic so I could use
Skype and make plans with people in the states. Luckily my brother was in NYC on business. Unluckily I had to miss my JetBlue flight so I needed to reschedule. Luckily my friend Bob Whalen works for JetBlue in NYC so he got the changing fee waived. Unluckily he didn't get the $85 price difference waived. So there I sat every hour hearing that I would have to wait another hour for an update. I was much more patient than most people. The one time they announced one of the delays I heard a man scream "F***" I found this very ammusing. Like his cursing was going to help fix the plane. So we finally took of around 11 oclock and landed in NYC around midnight. The flight sucked. The seats just simply aren't built for my frame and I was constantly looking for the most comfortable position to no avail. To my surprise my MP3 player was legend and worked for about 6 hours with one bar of battery left.

When we landed at JFK airport my brother was there to pick me up. He had a hotel room in Staten Island and a GPS in his car which was clutch. Went to bed fast and got up in the morning to go back. I flew on standby with JetBlue which is by far the best airline in the world. Picked up my brothers car at the airport, went to lunch with DJ Rara then straight to lacrosse practice!
Since then I've been doing nothing but coaching and waiting to start landscaping! If I can dig up some pictures from Saturday, there was a literal red carpet rolled out for me and blown up pics of yours truly at The Worst Bar Ever in South Buffalo.
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