I took a little two day trip to London-town to see the greatest band on the planet, Broken Social Scene. After checking into my two star hotel, meeting up with Joey Joe Joe, and necking a few Stella's, we hit the tube to make our way there.

The venue, called The Cargo, was down a dark alley in the North side of the city. Unfortunately we missed the opener, The Most Serene Republic, who I didn't really like but have since changed my mind. As the band was setting up we purchased a couple Old Speckled Hen's and made our way into the bunker type room. As the band hit the stage the crowd jammed in the room to make it uncomfortably tight. After about ten songs and needing a bathroom break, we made our way out to the bar. Fortunately the whole show was on the big screen in the bar with the audio coming from speakers right next to us. Joe needed to catch his train back to Sussex, so he took off and I had a few more Hen's and watched the end.

After the show I stuck around to see who I could talk to. John Crossingham first made his way through and we had a nice conversation. Then Justin Peroff the drummer entered the room and I approached him. Talk about the most down to earth human musician I've met. We chatted for a while and bought a couple rounds. After the crowd left and the security wanted to kick everyone out he gave the guard the ole "he's with us."

I helped them break some of the set down and conversed with the rest of the band. Being from Toronto they are well aware of Buffalo television. Their horn/guitarist Charles Spearin and I had some laughs about Irv Weinstein and the town names he had remembered from the weather report such as Tonawanda and Cheektowaga. They then took me back stage. It wasn't the most glamorous setup but the booze was free. After having many conversations with a wide array of folks from the BSS family I need to crash.

On our way out we ran into a elderly rastafarian who was freestyle Raggaing and asking for change. Justin and I both being hip hop fans were very intrigued. I then took a cab back to my hotel on the other side of the city and passed the hell out.

What an amazing experience. They are coming back to England in February and I will surely run into them again!
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