Free Auld Lang Syne by The Glenn Miller Orchestra MP3Just a tip to all y'all Yanks...if a Scot ever tries to tell you a Haggis is an animal don't believe them!!Auld Lang Syne LyricsRobert Burns Biography
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Free Auld Lang Syne by The Glenn Miller Orchestra MP3Just a tip to all y'all Yanks...if a Scot ever tries to tell you a Haggis is an animal don't believe them!!Auld Lang Syne LyricsRobert Burns Biography
When I embarked on this task I was under the impression it would be easy to pick five, but it was harder than I could have imagined. Next year should be unbelievably easy, as Feist, Broken Social Scene, Badly Drawn Boy, The Streets, Sam Roberts, The Strokes, The Shins, Tenacious D, Modest Mouse, and De La Soul are due to release albums in 2006. Shit, we may even see a Spice Girls reunion or even more unlikely, I may not even be using computers by next year!!
Picadilly Circus
The London Eye
Big Ben Parliament
Buckingham Palace
Although marred by an unfortunate display of aggression from both sides, the match was very well played. The Bath side had to do some personnel rearranging which saw a defenceman and midfielder up on the attack side. With that in mind prior to the opening face, the defence and midfielder's picked up the slack to keep Bath still in the match. Fortunately the sun cooperated and stuck around for the whole match, although not to the delight of the goalies. The first quarter saw six goals as Bath trailed 4-2 at the end. The defence bossed the game and Dan Weil kept Bath in the match early with aggressive play that would set the tempo of the entire match. Matt Wellings and Doug MacKay paced Bath with the 2 goals of the 1st quarter. The 2nd quarter also showcased the defence, as Hampstead was only allowed 3 goals to make the halftime score 4 to 7. The 3rd quarter is when the Bath side showed their resilliance and battled back to tie the game. The lone regular attackman Simon Griffith's registered his first goal of the season off a botched clearing attempt by Hampstead, literally batting the ball into the cage. After a Hampstead penalty, usual long pole Mike Brand gave a no-look cross crease feed to Doug MacKay for another goal. The score was then tied 7-7 with Hampstead taking a time out. Unfortunately the break in action seemed to cool off Bath's momentum. After two lost draws Mark Jeffery's temper got the best of him and took his frustrations out on his opposing face partner. After a delayed retaliation attempt by Hampstead, cool heads prevailed and the game was brought back to order. Hampstead then added 2 goals to bring the end of the 3rd quarter score to 9-7. As has been the story all season, Bath's small and rearranged lineup ran out of gas. Hampstead pumped in seven goals in the 4th to bring the final score to 16-9. Bath has a length break in action until they host Reading on the 7th of January, whom they lost by one to earlier in the season.Quote of the day:'Moving Pick' by a referee. mmm really, on Mike Brand!!!!
Uni 8:9 City
I had 3 goals 1 assist and the game winning goal. I'm the best at being modest!By Nik Roberts
When the decision was made to make a development squad it was done with the hope that the youngsters coming through the ranks would step up to the crease and play ball. As a coach you often worry that the lads will be put off laying bigger opposition, 14 yr olds against 20 yr olds doesn't look good on paper, but boy were we right to gamble, they looked good against Gloucester, and today they looked excellent.The whole day is a big step forward for Bath as a whole, given that the University team were also a development squad, the City looks strong for the future of the game. Bath City had 7 seniors and 10 U16's playing, giving a nice balance, and a good chance for the younger players to learn. Man of the Match for the City side must go to Lloyd Butler, who made half a dozen good, brave saves, and remained between the posts for the last 5 minutes, despite having a sprained thumb, and unable to hold the stick properly. Defensively the U16's have an awesome future with 5 really classy long sticks. In Attack there was some good movement, and a nice long give and go from Jake Beck resulted in his first goal. After a week that the Bath seniors would probably rather forget, this was a real tonic, good lacrosse played by enthusiastic, skilful players. Hopefully there will be a return fixture in February. Quote of the day: "Man, that's the most fun I've had all season" Coach Mike Brand at the end of the Match.
Bath looked dreadful for a fair chunk of this game, they didn''t get out of the blocks, giving Spencer all the initiative and a healthy 7:0 half time lead. Despite a third quarter rally, Bath, who should regard Spencer as a winnable game just didn''t play. Even the Odd Down Pitch (used to accommodate the Rugby on the rec) couldn''t account for a dreadful performance. Dropped balls, bad passes, bad choices,etc etc. Highlights of the day few and far between, Matt Wellings three goals being it. Half the season over, and Bath need to pull their socks up.
I could go on, as I sit (or try to sit) here writing this about the little S*** who thought it necessary to spear me in the small of the back near the end of this game, however it has been pointed out to me that it could have been 'just a bad hit, not deliberate', there again, how the butt end of a Lacrosse stick is rammed into the back with enough force to put someone out of the game is a 'mistake' is beyond me. Part of the problem is the lack of referees in the South (nothing new there), players are roped in to do the job, and so long as not biased, it's deemed OK, but the problem has now become, the few players on the pitch who see this as licence to maim, late hits, blind hits, deliberate game ending attempts to hurt are creeping in, all of which I have witnessed this season in almost every game where the players have refereed themselves. Basically the 'gentlemanly conduct' that used to be the tenet of the game is being eroded by the few. Where it will end I don't know, maybe a lawyer will end it, after all, if a career is on the line, or a kidney, it's assault, and both the player and the poor sod refereeing will be to blame. What do I tell parents of my juniors, who might be watching (kids are invincible, so don't see the threat), play Lacrosse, great game, no regulation, and a good chance to maim, maybe I'll make a poster for the schools.
The Game: Bath travelled with a reasonable squad on their longest road trip of the season, and, in fact outnumbered the home team who had only 10 players. The game was rough, but even, with keeper Nige Gates having a great game for Bath. Again Bath managed to hit the post 2 or 3 times, and it was a case of one that slipped away. Dougie Mackay waded in with 3 individual goals, and was by far the West Country teams best player on the day, and the team missed the face of skills of Ken Murray. Again another good performance, but with no result in the end, lets hope the home leg will be a different story.Quote of the day:'Arming off Bath, see I didn't miss that one' Hitchin Referee after about the third argument with the Bath captainsSwear of the dayNik Roberts, using just about every one he knows, after being speared. Funny how it's so easy to swear when in pain, yet breathing's so damn difficult.