England Wins The Ashes
For the first time in 18 years the English cricket team has beaten Australia to capture the historic
ashes. Since 1882, England and Australia every two years play the highly competitive cricket match called "The Ashes." In 1877 when Australia beat the Brit's they were so angry they burned the wickets (the vertical stumps)

and placed them in an small urn. I must say I am a fan of cricket now. They play five "tests" which consist of about five days of all day playing. If you thought baseball was long and drawn out, it's not even close. The part that was the weirdest was that England won when the umpires declared bad light and a guy came out and pulled the wicket out of the ground and they won. Us Americans would never be able to have a championship decided by bad light. The young superstar of the English side, Andrew "Freddie" Flintoff

became a hero considering his play and his fresh face. After the championship he partied for basically 24 straight hours. He was wasted when they visited the Prime Minister and the Queen. On the cover of one of the newspapers they showed him at a press conference with basically the reddest eyes I've ever seen in my life. I detect a hint of Photoshopping but none the less the bloke looked like he was hanging out with Cheech and Chong, and Snoop Dogg at the same time. Here's a few good pics from the test's.

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